There are several interesting looks that can be created with a side fade and the same can be said about the back fade. Side And Back Fade hairstyles give a twist to the basic fade style but this brings us to the question that what is the basic fade?
Well the basic fade is a side fade combined with a back fade. When you learn to efficiently use your trimmer to create disappearing or fading layers throughout your head from sides as well as the back of your head, that is the basic fade. This style is very interesting because while in case of other fade styles, you need one more complimentary hairstyle, this one is independent and just good to go.
You can very well keep your hair length short and still pull this off as an interesting style statement. This is usually the choice of hairstyle for Hollywood celebs because it is manageable and convenient as well as comfortable! You do not need constant touch ups and setting! This is as good as a hairstyle can possibly get!